by Eric Long | Jan 18, 2022
Climb The Tower!In the tower players take on the role of one of four legendary warriors waiting to be judged in purgatory. After defeating many enemies before their deaths they have found that those same enemies are ahead of them in the long line awaiting judgement....
by gamescm | Jan 18, 2022
Delve into the mysteries of a doomed island and its people… Concept Art Early concepts for the island environment and characters Development Footage In development gameplay and prototypes ABOUT The game Tides of Time is a third-person narrative adventure game...
by bemawill | Jun 14, 2021
deserted You wake up stranded on a deserted island. Can you survive until you can be rescued? PLAY NOW Project Overview Deserted is a link-based game where the player must survive until they can be rescued or try to find their way off of the deserted island. Every...
by bemawill | Jun 14, 2021
Just Focus is a link based game where you make choices in order to get work done. Your grade is determined by how much work you are able to get done. The only catch is that you must battle ADD symptoms at the same time. Will pushing yourself, or appeasing your mind...
by bemawill | Jun 14, 2021
Mariana Trench PLAY NOW Two divers must escape the trench Project Overview Learn More Genre 2D platformer puzzle browser game Team Credits Courtney Spisak Victoria Billings While searching for a lost necklace and treasure, two divers find...
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