Together in spirit
for all your ghostly friendship needs
Spooky Overview
Meet teaM gRave
Daniel Zhang
- Lead Programmer
Anish Rao
- Programmer
- Sound Designer
Ly Phung
- Lead Producer
- Programmer
Jethro Yu
- Artist
Kaizena Ma
- Lead Narrative Writer
Angela Yim
- Artist
- Narrative Writer
Linda Xieu
- Lead Artist
- Producer
Emmanuel Butor
- Programmer
Kendra Shu
- Level Designer
Vania Gunawan
- UI/UX Designer
- Artist
Together In Spirit
Together in Spirit is a 2D point and click adventure game following a lonely ghost that wants to make friends to add to their graveyard. This ghost meets with new characters, helps them solve their everyday problems, and eventually becomes tombmates with them. Lighthearted and playful, Together in Spirit charms the player by taking everyday obstacles and turning them into something a little more interesting.
Email: togetherinspiritgame@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/teaMgRavestone
Playtime: ~45 mins.
Playable on Windows or Mac.
Keyboard and Mouse Required.