Fragments of You
A platforming adventure with the goal of collecting all the pieces of your fragmented partner, at the cost of your own fragments.

Mood Board

Project Overview
Audio Design, Background/Tileset Artist (Pixel)
Reach out to Jessica our project lead if you are interested in helping out.
Contact Info
Email: jwake@ucsc.edu
Discord: Jesscapade#8038
Jessica Wake
Yuhao Chen
Yanyao Hu
William Lee
David Mayfield
Hector Medina
Joao Rosas-Esparza
Jordan Shen
Izat Temiraliev
Yufeng Xie
Fragments of You a platformer all about collecting the parts of your partner. While going about collecting these parts, the player will need to sacrifice their own parts to unlock those of their partners. In losing parts the player will also lose certain movement options associated with the parts lost.
As a team, we value communication and patience. We would like for collaborators to maintain these values with us. Additionally, we will be working with Unity as our game engine and Git for our version control.