Color Schemers

Color Schemers is a fast paced, monochromatic inverse of tag for 3-4 players.

Project Overview


Party, Platformer, Casual, Local-multiplayer, Competitive


Jake O’Neill

Max Cronce

Daniel Wright

Quan Gao

Bo Yang

Ethan Chong

Kelly Huang

Tovi Wan


External collaborators:

Hunter Wheat

Huanlei “Helen” Wu

Vadim Pelyushenko

Color Schemers is a local multiplayer game where 3-4 strange characters are trapped in a constantly shifting, monochromatic arena and compete against one other to hold onto the last remnants of color in their world for as long as possible. At the start of the match, there is a rainbow prism floating around and once a player grabs it, they gain a distinct colorful trail effect. The player holding onto the color must now try to keep away from the other players who are all running, jumping, and dashing after them so that they can steal the color from them. Whichever player holds onto the color the longest by the time that the rainbow timer at the top has completely drained, is crowned the winner.

Created in UCSC’s Senior Capstone Sequence, CMPM/ARTG 170